I. P. Bardin Mountain (Seamount(s)) |
Ia (ICES Areas) |
Iahi Fracture Zone (Seamount(s)) replaced by Iahi Saddle |
Iahi Saddle (Saddle) |
Iahi Seamount (Seamount(s)) replaced by Iahi Saddle |
Iala (Natural Reserve) |
Ialomița (County) |
Ialta (City) |
Ianthe Reefs (Reef) |
Ianthe Shoal (Reef) |
Iasul Tăbăcari (Lagoon) |
Ib (ICES Areas) |
Ibajay (Municipality) |
Iban Ridge (Ridge) |
Ibañez, punta (Point) |
Ibar Rocks (Rock) |
Ibar, Islote (Rock) |
Ibaraki (Prefecture) |
Ibarguren, istmo (Isthmus) |
Ibarra, Cabo (Point) |
Ibb (Region) |
Ibbertson Banks (Bank) |
Iberia (Peninsula) |
Iberia Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain) |
Iberia Basin (Basin) |
Iberia Basin (Basin) |
Iberia Knoll (Knoll(s)) |
Iberian Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain) |
Iberian Atlantic (General Sea Area) |
Iberian Basin (Basin) |
Iberian Coastal (Large Marine Ecosystem) |
Iberian Peninsula (Peninsula) |
Iberian Plain (Abyssal Plain) |
Iberian Sea (IHO Sea Area) |
Iberisches Becken (Basin) |
Iberiyskaya Kotlovina (Basin) |
Ibero-Moroccan Gulf (Gulf) |
Ibirian Basin (Basin) |
Ibiza (Island) |
Ibiza Sea Channel (Seachannel) |
Ibiza, Biodiversity and Culture (World Marine Heritage Site) |
Ibo (Bay) |
Ibo Island (Island) |
Ic Anadolu (Region) |
Ic Liman (Bay) |
Ica (Region) |
Icarus Point (Point) |
Ice Bird Peak (Peak) |
Ice Bird Seamount (Seamount(s)) |
Ice Ledge (Reef) |
Ice Ledge (Shoal) |
Ice Ledge (Reef) |
Ice Sphinx Hole (Hole) |
Ice Strath (Submarine valley(s)) |
Iceberg Bank (Bank) |
Iceberg Bay (Bay) |
Iceberg Point (Point) |
Iceberg Shoal (Shoal) |
Iceberg, Punta (Point) |
Icecutter Litke Deep (Basin) |
Iceland (TDWG - level 4) has preferred alternative Iceland |
Iceland (Nation) |
Iceland (TDWG - level 3) has preferred alternative Iceland |
Iceland (TDWG - level 4) has preferred alternative Iceland |
Iceland - Jan Mayen (Freshwater Ecoregion of the World (FEOW)) |
Iceland Basin (Basin) |
Iceland Plateau (Rise) |
Iceland Plateau (Plateau) |
Iceland Ridge (Rise) |
Iceland Sea (Sea) |
Iceland Sea (SeaVoX SeaArea - sub-region) |
Iceland Sea (ICES Ecoregion) |
Iceland Shelf (Large Marine Ecosystem) |
Iceland Shelf and Sea (Large Marine Ecosystem) |
Iceland-Faeroe Front (Front) |
Iceland-Faeroe Ridge (Rise) |
Iceland-Faeroe Rise (Rise) |
Iceland-Greenland Ridge (Rise) |
Icelandic 12 NM (Territorial Sea) |
Icelandic 24 NM (Contiguous zone) |
Icelandic Coast (Coast) |
Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) |
Icelandic Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation)) |
Icelandic Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission)) |
Icelandic Extended Continental Shelf (Non-UNCLOS Claim) (Extended Continental Shelf (Non-UNCLOS Claim)) |
Icelandic Internal Waters (Internal waters) |
Icelandic part of the Greenland Sea (Marine Region) |
Icelandic part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region) |
Icelandic part of the Norwegian Sea (Marine Region) |
Icelandic Plateau (Plateau) |
Icelandic Waters (ICES Ecoregion) |
Iceland-Jan Mayen Ridge (Ridge) |
ICES Areas (ICES Areas) |
ICES Ecoregions (ICES Ecoregion) |
ICES Statistical Rectangles (ICES Statistical Rectangles) |
Ichetucknee Springs (Spring) |
Ichiyo Hill (Hill(s)) |
Ichiyo Seamount (Seamount(s)) |
Ichiyō Seamount (Seamount(s)) |
Ichkeul Lagoon (Lagoon) |
Ichtegem (Town) |